100% Confident and Competent!

Offering these services and support is a free-lancing, accredited facilitator, assessor and moderator. Having had the tremendous opportunity to have worked with and been mentored by a very experienced assessor, moderator and verifier, she is offering this opportunity for clarity and confidence to other hopefuls.

Many learners who have completed their assessor courses and been deemed competent, may still need some guidance and support to get them on their feet. Although this seems contrary to the very purpose of OBE training, it remains nonetheless the reality. We are now offering, over and above services as facilitators, assessors and moderators, guidance and support to inexperienced assessors, as well as an assessment refresher course.

With regard to the refresher course and the guidance and support services:

"My aim is to empower you to be able to do it on your own and to feel confident with your connections and contacts at your relevant SETA's. I do not wish to do your work for you, but rather to guide you with any thing you are unsure of, so that after a short period you will no longer need assistance. Anything that i cannot help you with, i can connect you with others that can. I offer you confidentiality and to help where ever i am able."

"The market is saturated with learners who are pressured into completing their courses in a whirl-wind of activity, and then having been deemed competent, are expected to fulfill their relevant tasks. Yet, not all are 100% sure and are too intimidated to ask for help. My goal is to have you 100% confident and competent." 

Our Promise

- Confidentiality
- Assistance and empowerment
- Moving you into a confident, self-sufficient tomorrow